Mentors will engage young people in activities to build relationships, have tough conversations, and express thoughts, experiences, feelings, and emotions.

On the first Sunday of each month, the mentors and youth will share space together in Restorative Peace Circles or other fellowship activities. Our model of learning and knowledge sharing is cyclical and interconnected, as opposed to linear or transactional, calling on the concept of Sankofa (a metaphorical symbol used by the Akan people of Ghana, generally depicted as a bird with its head turned backward taking an egg from its back that expresses the importance of reaching back to knowledge gained in the past and bringing it into the present in order to make positive progress) to ensure that our young people and whole community thrive. Intergenerational connection and exchange is essential to knowledge of self, sense of self, self esteem, and self confidence and self-worth. Our hope is for specifically BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) male elders, community members, and community leaders to be a supportive and guiding presence for BIPOC youth in our community. Let the youth lead.Ĭommunity Mentorship Circles & Intergenerational Fellowship Program This type of community violence prevention program, by youth for youth, has never existed in Howard County, but we are confident that we have the right staff and community partners to make this a huge success. Depending on the needs assessments and listening sessions, potential resources and program will focus around: Resume assistance, Employment Opportunities, Career Speaker Series, Youth speaker series, Community engagement events, Community Recreational Sports, After school assistance, Speakers, Know Your Rights Trainings, Racial Justice Trainings, Stop the Bleed Trainings, and much more as we grow within the community. P.U.S.H will create an atmosphere where youth can explore every opportunity possible. Youth will have access to opportunities for mental and emotional development and life skills through discussions and resources for Self-Awareness, Situational Awareness, Social Confidence, Future Focus, Plan B thinking. Youth will lead their peers in providing alternative ways of thinking when in high stress situations to prevent any life altering events from impacting them in non productive ways.